New Power exhibition

2024 Koblenz International Education Fair:Established to recruit young talents

  Impressive! Despite the bad weather, 6,150 visitors (students, parents and teachers) came to the CGMARENA and flowed through the corridors of the azubi 2024 and student trade fairs for the 17th time in a row. It became clear once again that the education and job fairs for recruiting young talent are the most important communication platforms in Koblenz and the surrounding area. Especially in the current times of new developments in the labor market and digital transformation, the combination of modern and classic apprenticeships, classic and dual study programs and educational opportunities, the importance of personal interaction is becoming increasingly important. Personal, empathetic dialogue between people creates a solid foundation of trust and has the potential to attract the interest and attention of sought-after career beginners to our own training and teaching services. Fears can be dispelled through first-hand information and, above all, parents, who play a key role in the decision-making process of career choice, have the opportunity to get to know potential future employers and companies. Today, it is more than just training, learning, internships, future prospects and development.


  This established educational trade fair cleverly brought all participants together under one roof and, more than ever, became a platform for head-to-head discussions based on trust. Renowned exhibitors from the region presented their individual training and education options as well as corporate culture in a professional manner in a relaxed atmosphere and a relaxed ambience, bringing people closer. Young visitors were able to explore the rich offerings according to their preferences and values, hand in your application documents in person and leave a good first impression. A positive first impression paves the way for further interviews, while unfavorable results can be compensated by the talents and human qualities of the applicant. Sympathy and acceptance occur at the emotional level of interpersonal communication and have a significant impact on decision-making and opinion formation. A positive first impression paves the way for further interviews, while unfavorable results can be compensated by the talents and human qualities of the applicant. Sympathy and acceptance occur at the emotional level of interpersonal communication and have a significant impact on decision-making and opinion formation.A positive first impression paves the way for further interviews, while unfavorable grades can be compensated by the applicants talents and human qualities. Empathy and acceptance occur at the emotional level of interpersonal communication and have a significant influence on decision-making and opinion formation. Our exhibitors are very satisfied and happy that despite the public transport strike, so many young visitors came to the CGM ARENA with their teachers and parents. Shaping the future of young people is important for society and a challenge that we all have to face in order to achieve the future in which we all want to live a good and happy life, said Sören 1s㎡f, organizer of the azubitudeniage Koblenz. Islef summed it up well Recruiting and supporting young talents is the most important investment to ensure continued existence, development and marketability. Good training is the best basis for the new world of work, for remaining competitive and for the overall development of society. Here, we would like to thank Mrs. Susanne Szczesny-Oling, President of the Koblenz Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Kurt Krautscheid, Mr. Frank Schmidt, President of the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts, Mr. Islef concluded.

  Next exhibition time: April 4-5, 2025.